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Now it's time to outsource Photoshop clipping path service

Do you need time to reflect on other parts of the company? Even if ... To one poll, their organization uses facilities outsourced and it is a ... For instance, clipping path service in many companies start at only a few cents per image. There was a modelngmodellingtion to studying Photoshop, they al...
de james07
08 Déc 2020, 11:59
Forums: Photoshop
Sujet: Now it's time to outsource Photoshop clipping path service
Réponses: 0
Vus: 2363

Re: Style Image

Je ne sais pas si ce style porte un nom, personnellement ça me fait un peu penser aux portraits d'Andy Warhol en monochrome. Tu peux créer cet effet très facilement dans photoshop avec le filtre "Découpage" (Cutout en anglais), en allant dans Filtre > Galerie de filtres (le filtre Découpa...
de james07
22 Juin 2016, 10:07
Forums: Photoshop
Sujet: Style Image
Réponses: 5
Vus: 2266

Re: formation infographie en autodidacte

Is it ok to reply here in English? Anyway I am sharing my own experience on learning graphic design. As you are a beginner you should have to first start with any of the software like I started with Photoshop. Dont start with more than one software, when you will be good enough on one software then ...
de james07
13 Juin 2016, 09:42
Forums: Discussions générales
Sujet: formation infographie en autodidacte
Réponses: 3
Vus: 1874

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