How to make people disappear

Le forum du compositing
Messages: 1
Inscription: 20 Juil 2017, 16:25

How to make people disappear

Messagede gaspargg » 20 Juil 2017, 16:29

Hello, i making a football video and i've got that piece of footage that last 43 frames :

footage it self :

and during these 43 frames i want to get rid of all the player exept the guy in the red circle that has the ball ( make them disappear )

I've tried to duplicate that layer freeze frame it and cute pieces out of it with the mask tool to put them on top of the clip, but it doesn't work ( i did track the footage and apply it to the pieces ). the probleme is that the camera that took this video moves in a weird way.

So if any one has an idea of how i could do that it would be very nice of you

PS : if you got time to waste could you do it for me please ?

thanks a lot for your time and your answers and please excuse my bad english ( i'm french that's why )


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